A 72-year-old cancer patient in Karnataka tragically took his own life after being denied medical benefits under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY). The scheme, which aims to provide financial assistance for healthcare to economically weaker sections, reportedly failed to support the elderly man during his time of need.
The retired Bengaluru resident had been battling cancer and was depending on the Ayushman Bharat scheme to cover the high costs of his treatment. Despite being eligible, he was allegedly denied access to the scheme’s benefits due to procedural hurdles or mismanagement.
Unable to afford his medical expenses and overcome with despair, the man ended his life, leaving his family and community in shock and grief.
The Central Government has taken note of the incident and requested a detailed report from the Karnataka state authorities. The aim is to investigate the reasons behind the denial of benefits and ensure accountability in the implementation of the scheme.
Social activists have criticized the inefficiencies in the healthcare system and called for immediate reforms to ensure such incidents are not repeated .Opposition parties have condemned the incident, highlighting the gaps in the implementation of welfare schemes like Ayushman Bharat. Experts are urging for greater awareness and simplification of processes under the scheme to make it accessible for all eligible beneficiaries.
The government is expected to:
- Conduct a thorough investigation into the case.
- Address systemic issues in the Ayushman Bharat scheme’s rollout.
- Provide financial and emotional support to the bereaved family.
This incident serves as a grim reminder of the challenges faced by vulnerable citizens in accessing essential healthcare services and the urgent need for streamlined welfare delivery systems.
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